Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hello to Blogger! (And what this blog is for)

Howdy folks!

My name is David. This is my third blog.

Why a third blog? Especially when I hardly have time to update the other two.

Well, the first blog is all about Ethiopia. And the second one is all about photography on Ubuntu. But there are so many other things that I want to write about. Every day I learn something new. I have so many interests.

Where do I put everything?

On this blog of course :)

You know how you find old boxes in old houses that are stuffed with things that can sometimes be very interesting? That's what I want this blog to be. I'm going to write about and save everything that I find fascinating that doesn't fit into my other two blogs.

On this blog, you will find:

  • Thoughts about life in general
  • A lot of things about Ubuntu Linux
  • Thoughts about gadgets
  • Thoughts about productivity
  • Thoughts about writing
  • Reviews of software and products
  • Thoughts about running a creative team

More about me:

I'm a blogger, photographer, copywriter and family guy :) 

Why is this called the Misadventures of David Kirba

When I was 14, I started writing a book. It didn't get very far, but whatever did get written down was pretty nice. Unfortunately I lost everything in a flood, but that's another story. So this is a continuation of my story. Sixteen years down the line. I hope you enjoy it.